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, then that was a complete answer to selfdefence.(c) There was a complaint that the Judge had contrasted the accused’sperception of the circumstances ...
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catch of kahawai isaccurately monitored and assessed.[120] The essential complaint of commercial fishers is that the majority share of thekahawai ...
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from an office in Calgary. It was Telus policy to respond to a customer complaint within 24 hours and to provide a full answer to an inquiry within 48 ...
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on a race day without specifying time, place andcircumstances.[42] Then complaint is made that NZTR has chosen to proscribe all drugs whichare listed ...
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2006 confirming Mr. Fahlman’s ineligibility; and an order remitting the complaint back to CLBC to reconsider Mr. Fahlman’s eligibility for adult ...
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, and the findings of, an assessment”. [61] The essence of the appellant’s complaint is not really an absence of jurisdiction. Rather, it is that the ...
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of or informed of the alleged accident. The Applicant did not make any complaint and/or called for any assistance at the alleged time of accident even ...
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據大綱第21段作出以下的陳詞: “ The central plank of Defendant’s complaint is that Plaintiff did not advance further or new facilities to Honestwin upon the signing ...
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治疗师向秘书提出的申诉;或(b)就一项注册的申请而由秘书接获的告发,秘书须将该申诉或该告发呈交小组主席。(2)在本部中,"申诉"(complaint)包括秘书根据第(1)(b)款接获并根据该款呈交的告发。第19条涉及行为的申诉版本日期01/07/1999(1)凡在秘书根据第18条向小组主席呈交的申诉 ...
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规例须缴付的费用为附表3所指明者。第19条释义(第iii部)版本日期30/06/1997第iii部委员会准备聆讯的程序在本部及附表6中─“申诉”(complaint)指─关于本条例第22(1)(a)、(b)、(c)、(d)或(e)条所提述的任何事项而─(a)就一名注册放射技师提出的申诉;或(b)就一 ...
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