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委员会、证监会国际组织和国际保险监管协会1999年2月联合发布的《多元化金融集团监管的最终文件》的定义,金融控股公司(Financial Holding Company)是指“在同一控制权下,完全或主要在银行业、证券业、保险业中至少两个不同的金融行业大规模地提供服务的金融集团公司。” [②]许多 ...
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, at 967-968; P. Areeda et al: Antitrust Analysis (4th ed. Boston: Little, Brown Company, 1988) 638. [22] 关于这方面的实例,可参见Tasmania, op. cit. 12,以及Telser ...
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页。 [46] Kincaid诉Eaton案,Mass. 98,P139.转引自Oliver Wendell Holmes《普通法》,Little, Brown and Company, 1948, 谢鸿飞、冉昊译,打印稿,待由贵州人民出版社出版。 [47] 参见,Oliver Wendell ...
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s/________ By:/s/________Name:_________ Name:_________Title:________ Title:________GGG COMPANY JJJ INC.as Co-Administrative AgentBy:/s/________ By:/s/ ...
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of the amount underwritten by us respectively, and promise and bind ourselves, each Company for itself only and not the one for the other and in ...
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; dissolution, closedown, liquidation, transformation; merger; change to share company, use the housing, machinery or other real assets or trademark, ...
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Insurance against various risks shall be effected by Joint Venture with the People's Insurance Company of China.第十五条 仲裁Article 15 Arbitration有关本协议的一切 ...
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parties:During the period of validity, the relation between Party A and company is purely the relation between the buyer and the seller.This agreement ...
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an instrument in writing signed by a duly authorized officer of each of Company and Foundation.10.?This Agreement shall be construed under the laws of ...
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I. The Borrowers represents and warrants as follows: 1. The Borrower is a company duly organized and validly existing under the law of the Peoples ...
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