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to any proceeding by or the fact that he is or was an agent of the Company, or by reason of anything done or not done by him in any such capacity, the ...
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Term(b) $___ per month during months 7-12 of the Term5.2 Second Year. The Company will pay CCC a total of $___ with respect to the second year of the ...
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to any third country or party without prior written consent of C or New Company. 16. Force Majeure 16.1 No failure or omission to carry out or observe ...
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Interpretation Act , and of the Act as in force at the date at which these Regulations become binding on the company. 本章程所含的单词和词组应按 《 法律解释法 》 以及本章程对 ...
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2005: (1) reduced the shares of the Estate of Chow Cho Poon deceased in the Company from 7,287 shares (in which the Plaintiff is entitled to 2/7th i.e ...
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fine of more than RMB 50,000 and less than RMB 300,000 on the insurance company concerned; and impose a fine of more than RMB 20,000 but less than RMB ...
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managers as well as any other issue that may cause the failure of the company. (3) The CSRC branch office shall have a comprehensive knowledge of the ...
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as the case may be.4. Notice of Termination. Any termination by the Company for Cause or resignation by Executive for Good Reason before _________(M,D ...
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the loss in value of its shares where a wrong has been done to the company. As explained by Laskin J.A. in Meditrust (at para. 13); La Forest J. in ...
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of which is not substantially equivalent to the Employee's duties with the Company as of the Effective Date, provided that a change in job title shall ...
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