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governed by the rules and procedures of arbitration stipulated by the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of ...
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友好协商,在平等互利,协商一致的基础上,达成协议如下: ‘A’ Company, a foreign-funded company, was established with investment from G Company. ‘A’ Company was registered in the ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-168363.html -了解详情
/D战机的可能性时,凯普兰说今年度已经宣布过一批军售,短期内很难会再有新的军售。 凯普兰近期曾于双月刊“外交事务”(Foreign Affairs)发表论文“中国战略的地缘性”(TheGeography of Chinese Power)。他30日在与媒体座谈时提到上述观点。 就美中战略冲突,凯普兰 ...
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contract as they knew from the beginning that 'A' company employment illegal foreign workers, criminals and drug addicts, 'A' never paid his taxes and ...
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重叠部分,这一举动定会让中国不高 兴。 “中日关系的发展中有一些天然的局限性。”美国外交政策分析协会(Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis)亚太研究主任詹姆斯...
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management authority. Moreover, it also compares the authority to other foreign river basin management authorities. From the analysis, author wants to ...
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. The paper preliminarily analyzes and evaluates legal mechanisms of foreign countries for resources, ecological and environmental compensation in ...
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. In this paper, the author analyses these special legislations and special foreign cases and custom and sets forth the opinion that animal can only ...
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/d战机的可能性时,凯普兰说今年度已经宣布过一批军售,短期内很难会再有新的军售。 凯普兰近期曾于双月刊“外交事务”(foreign affairs)发表论文“中国战略的地缘性”(thegeography of chinese power)。他30日在与媒体座谈时提到上述观点。 就美中战略冲突,凯普兰 ...
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生态文明发展的必然要求。 【英文摘要】Through the dissertation of domestic and foreign scholars, legal right is the core concept of the legal system. The differences of ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-165139.html -了解详情
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