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甲方向乙方支付的合同总价为ⅩⅩ美元(大写ⅩⅩⅩⅩ)。其分项价格如下:The total contract price to be paid by party A to party B according to the content and scope stipulated in Article 2 ...
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,106.131,811.15 5,216.48(96,565.21)-4.The Plaintiff entitled to 86% of the Main Contract(1,838,481.00 + 85,111.57- 96,565.21)X 86%=1,571,243.53(1,678, ...
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492 (C.A.) as follows: [30] In the absence of ambiguity, words in a contract are to be given their literal meaning: North Eastern Railway Co. v. Lord ...
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argues that "[i]t is an error of law to imply a term in a contract as a matter of fact that contradicts a term implied by law." The appellant argues ...
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shall be paid annually from the day to use the land stipulated in the contract. For the first calendar year, the venture will pay a half-year fee if ...
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2 of the Uniform Commercial Code, 67 Iowa L. Rev. 1 (1981). [11] Burton, Breach of Contract, supra note 10, at 369. [12] 同上,第369-370页。 [13] 同上,第369 ...
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2 of the Uniform Commercial Code, 67 Iowa L. Rev. 1 (1981). [11] Burton, Breach of Contract, supra note 10, at 369. [12] 同上,第369-370页。 [13] 同上,第369 ...
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,其法定地址在_____。法定代表:姓名____ 职务_____国籍______ 1. Parties to the Contract Name of the Chinese Company,( herein called Party A),Registered in(name of place) ...
//wengui.110.com/wengui_26.html -了解详情
agent)(b) bear the following details:(i) Tender for Construction of Contract _________;(ii) _________ Project;(iii) “Do not open before __________.”18 ...
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,其法定地址在_____。法定代表:姓名____ 职务_____国籍______ 1. Parties to the Contract Name of the Chinese Company,( herein called Party A),Registered in(name of place) ...
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