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"); iii) a closing fee of US$385,000 on the closing date of the Credit Agreement (the "Closing Fee"); iv) an unused line fee at a rate per annum of 0. ...
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the interests of all parties, including the United States. 评价与解释: 上列内容土地管理局批准群体化合同(communitization agreement)时相对人需要提供的信息。(a)(b)(c)仍属常规信息的范畴,但是(d)要求相对 ...
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the Contracts Act 1950 when consideringclauses 9.5 and 10 of the Restructure Sale Agreement in termof certainty, we are of the view in the same way as ...
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or deemed to be the public holiday, or that in the event of a s 44(2)agreement the s 44(1) day ceases to be a public holiday. This absence is all the ...
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such that a breach of that policy would be a breach of the collective agreement. She concluded that it was not and held that the rejection of an anti ...
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36 B.C.L.R. (4th) 310, 2005 BCCA 89, a “bare allegation” that a collective agreement is in place will not suffice to remove a dispute from the court’s ...
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could be read in such a way as to harmonize it with the collective agreement. In Durham, Laskin C.J.C. stated, at 714: . . . The supersession of s. 24 ...
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. There was no need for KRG Western to be a party to the 1988 Agreement. Its ultimate owners had committed to cause it to employ Mr. Shafron and had ...
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and, in any event, I would expect it to be a matter of express agreement between the vendors and the purchaser as in North West Value Partners Inc. v ...
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Walsh had taken to pay any of his fees but that he had come to an agreement with Mr Walsh for payment of part of his fees and Mr Blyth had not sought ...
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