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骗子公司,支付少量定金,货到巴基斯坦港口,见提单副本,拒不付款, 请一定小心!!误再上当!! 姓名: A.Qayum Shaikh 邮箱: darbarcopk@hotmail.com 公司名: M/s. Darbar Company - Lahore...
地址﹕香港跑馬地體育道一號 The Hong Kong horse knows lottery ticket limited company Member's application The Hong Kong horse knows the service agreement of limited ...
骗子公司,支付少量定金,货到巴基斯坦港口,见提单副本,拒不付款, 请一定小心!!误再上当!! 姓名: A.Qayum Shaikh 邮箱: darbarcopk@hotmail.com 公司名: M/s. Darbar Company - Lahore...
来自英国的并附上了她的公司名以及电话Ms Oliver Josephine Company Name :SILVERS UK LIMITED> Address : Registered Office: SITA House, Grenfell Road, Maidenhead,> Berkshire ...
A公司是香港上市公司,B公司是香港私人公司(Private Company)。A公司的运营总监甲以一个隐藏的身份用持有了B公司部分的股份后,隐瞒A公司的股东,再建议A公司其他股东们以A公司名义收购了B公司,是自己从中赚取利润。...
to honour the contract as they knew from the beginning that 'A' company employment illegal foreign workers, criminals and drug addicts, 'A' never paid ...
be Unconditional/Demand Guarantee and absolutely unrestricted. Valid for 270 days from the date of issue, and payable to beneficiary (our company ...
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