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共找到相关结果约 36 篇 如果以下信息不适合您您可以点击 免费发布法律咨询!
应当事先向委托人报告,并要求委托人授权以进行组织协调工作. (7) Having obtained the consent of the Client, the Supervisor has the right to give command with regards to commencement ...
make such assignment or pledge. Recognizing this intention, the City does hereby consent and agree to the pledge and assignment of all the Developer's ...
or the provisions of this Agreement any rights or obligations. Without the consent of any appointed or transfer invalid. 12.4 overall agreement and to ...
at a meeting of the stockholders, may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the action so taken, shall be signed by all of ...
the ordinary course and shall take no action, without the prior written consent of the Committee and sell or otherwise transfer its assets, including ...
to interfere in any way with Company operations without the prior, express consent of the Vice President Human Resources or Plant Manager.2. Grievance ...
Subordinating Creditor Obligations with the prior written consent of Senior Creditor, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, so ...
to cause damage or deterioration, then the Buyer will not unreasonably withhold its consent to take Delivery of the Yacht subject to the right of the ...
any information contained therein to any third country or party without prior written consent of C or New Company. 16. Force Majeure 16.1 No failure ...
term for the directors is 4 years, which may be renewed with the consent of the Parties to Joint Venture.3. Board meetings shall generally be held at ...
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