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discarded value of a major asset as involved in the business operation of the company exceeds 30 % of the said asset in a one-off manner;(6) Where any ...
by CSSRC and shall address the following matters: 1. the name and domicile of the company; 2. a brief description of the promoter(s) and issuer; 3. ...
managers as well as any other issue that may cause the failure of the company. (3) The CSRC branch office shall have a comprehensive knowledge of the ...
of losses; (9) procedures for the amendment of articles of association of the company; (10) other items needed to be stated expressly. Article 15 When ...
by them (both directly and indirectly) in a foreign-shared fund management company may not exceed one third of the total in the aggregate, and the ...
Law of People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Company Law) and the Securities Law of People's Republic of China (hereinafter ...
setup of a commercial bank shall be applicable to the provisions of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China. Where a commercial bank, which ...
shall refer to a bank, trust company, finance company, financial leasing company or automobile finance company as a legal person formed within the ...
the articles of association which are in conformity with the present Law and the Company Law of the People's Republic of China;2) Having a registered ...
to the credits held by it against an overseas commercial bank or securities company, if the country or region where this commercial bank or securities ...
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