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122Any purchase or sale of major assets within one year or provision of a security in an amount in excess of thirty percent (30%) of the total assets ...
: (1) defendants in criminal cases or criminal suspects confirmed by a public security organ, a people's procuratorate or a people's court; (2) ...
of a people''s court, and arrests must be made by a public security organ.Unlawful detention or deprivation or restriction of citizens freedom of the ...
give preferences in the aspects of credit amount, term, interest rate and security mode to the small enterprises with a good credit status, and may ...
from his/her post. Article 78 Where a securities firm that engaging in security broker business accepts a buy order of a client whose account without ...
agree that one party shall pay a deposit to the other for the security of a debt. After the debtor performs his obligation, the deposit shall either ...
to be paid to the carrier have not been paid in full, nor has appropriate security been given, the carrier may have a lien, to a reasonable extent, on ...
由一个以上的来源所提供,应列明每一来源的数额。If the total amount of security has been furnished by more than one source, the amount of each of them should be indicated.3.如 ...
, or failure to build a perfect system of safety monitoring and rescue security, the MCTA shall order the correction within a time limit and impose a ...
in accordance with the provisions of the regulations on administrative penalties for public security; or shall, if the case constitutes a crime, be ...
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