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国家。 [33]同上。 [34]See IMF, IMF Quota and Governance Reform-Elements of an Agreement, //www.imf.org/external/np/pp/eng/2010/103110.pdf, last visited ...
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are aware of the consequence of VOR, whether both parties reach an agreement regarding the cognition of the fact, whether the perpetrator has replied ...
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转让合同主要包括下列几种:国际许可证合同,或称国际技术许可证协议(International Licensing Agreement);国际技术咨询服务合同(International Consulting Service Contract);国际合作生产合同(International ...
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Oil Country Tubular Goods from Argentina, WT/DS268/AB/R, para. 257. [12]分别规定于《关税及贸易总协定(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)》23.1(a),23.1(b)和23.1(c ...
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to the effect of action dependence. When there is an arbitral agreement or an agreement of jurisdiction, plea of setoff should be limited in a certain ...
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汇编。北京:中国法制出版社,1995. Abstract: From the coordination with Trips Agreement, this paper states that the Trademark Law can not protectappellationof origin ...
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的一致性。(注:有关TRIPS协议的起草与谈判过程研究,参阅Daniel Gervais,The TRIPS Agreement:Drafting History and Analysis, London:Sweet Maxwell, 1998。该书由TRIPS协议谈判组主席Lars Anell作序 ...
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修订后的Google图书和解协议》第3.5(a)条(Amended Settlement Agreement, art.3.5 (a) , http://www. googlebookset-com/r/view-settlement-agreement,2010年3月5日访问。 [4]同上注,第 ...
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修订后的Google图书和解协议》第3.5(a)条(Amended Settlement Agreement, art.3.5 (a) , http://www. googlebookset-com/r/view-settlement-agreement,2010年3月5日访问。 [4]同上注,第 ...
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》[M],北京大学出版社和高等教育出版社,2000年11月,第1版。 [7], General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT),[J]. 1947. [8],The Multilateral System: 50 years of Achievement ...
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