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好的条件与之签订合同。[6] 美国学者一般将预约合同分为将进行谈判的预约(preliminary agreement to negotiate)和带未决条款的预约(preliminary agreement with open terms)两种。[7] 将进行谈判的预约有可能规定了交易的实质性条款, ...
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年3月5日访问。 [3]参见修订后的Google图书和解协议》第3。5(a)条(Amended Settlement Agreement, art。 3。 5 ( a) ) , http: //www。 googlebookset-com/r/view-settlement-agreement, ...
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而做fn偏袒或不公正评估结论的情形。WTO试图将认定事实和做出反倾销措施法律决定两者之问的审查做出区分(Article17.6oftheWTO AntiDumping Agreement),由此确立了事实审查和法律审查的独立标准。而在实践中这两类标准难于截然做出区分。比如,根据WTO反倾销协议第3 ...
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FIDIC条款作为一揽子合同条件,它将公权力主体、私权利主体、公私混合型主体等社会多元主体[11],按照一个项目目的,通过协议型制度安排(Agreement of Transactions)整合在一起。[12]也因此,它就成为了该领域国际通行的和必须遵守的条款,也是世行贷款的先决条件。 由于中国的 ...
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, that allows a contract of sale or its modification or termination by agreement or any offer, acceptance, or other indication of intention to be made ...
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within the meaning of Articles 5.1 and 5.2 of the SPS Agreement and is, therefore, inconsistent with the requirements of Article 5.1---- WT/DS2648AB/ ...
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Review, Vol.4 No.4 1997/1998, p.253. [2]See Art.11.2 of European Model EDI Agreement, in The EDI Law Review, Vol.2 No.2 1995,p.131. [3]参见联合国贸法会电子 ...
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T. El-Ashry, an Overview of This Issue: Framework for Post-Kyoto Climate Change Agreement, Sustainable Development Law Policy, 2008, P2-6. [3] 源头消减原则是 ...
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because any party dissatisfies with a mediation result, even after a mediation agreement has been reached, he still can file a lawsuit to a people's ...
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indirect share transfer is for reasonable commercial purpose. (一)股权转让合同或协议;Share Transfer Contract or Agreement. (二)境外投资方与其所转让的境外控股公司在资金、经营、购销等方面的 ...
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