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transferred located within 30 days after the execution of Share Transfer Agreement to prove the aforesaid indirect share transfer is for reasonable ...
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2款和第9条第1款。 [10]DECISIONMAKING PROCEDURES UNDER ARTlCLXS IX AND XII OF THE WTO AGREEMENT,WT/I/93(24 November 1995). [11]Minutes of Meeting,WT/GC/M/8,13 ...
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Export Exemptions and the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement: Legitimate Domestic Protections or Self-Defeating Protectionism, International ...
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所以,有必要借鉴国际上的先进的作法,改事后调整为事先调整。而事先调整中最重要的就是预约定价协议。 预约定价协议(the advanced pricing agreement)就是指税务机关事先对跨国公司的内部交易定价进行事先的确认。其一般程序是:跨国公司在开始内交易前,向税务机关提交有关申请,并报送 ...
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situations of exclusion of jurisdiction are as follow: forum agreement, arbitration agreement, sovereign and diplomatic immunity. In practice, a lower ...
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the special circumstances of its place and arising out of the continuing agreement of particular Christians. A church was formed by the covenanting or ...
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Quarterly (2006) 447. [6] 4Report: Recent International Agreement - Convention on Choice of Court Agreement, Concluded June 30, 2005, 119 Harvard Law ...
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转让合同主要包括下列几种:国际许可证合同,或称国际技术许可证协议(International Licensing Agreement);国际技术咨询服务合同(International Consulting Service Contract);国际合作生产合同(International ...
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原则都存在各种弊端,因此,跨国公司内部市场税法规制方法上,也一直在不断发展,不断纠错与前进。预约定价制度(Advance Pricing Agreement,即APA)的出现,可以说是规制史上的一大进步。根据经合组织的定义,预约定价制度(advance pricing agreement,简称APA ...
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do not violate the aforementioned (1)(2) p remise, their agreement should be followed. KeyWords: jointly owned parts; externalwalls; roof terraces; ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-61991.html -了解详情
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