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. In this paper, the author analyses these special legislations and special foreign cases and custom and sets forth the opinion that animal can only ...
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生态文明发展的必然要求。 【英文摘要】Through the dissertation of domestic and foreign scholars, legal right is the core concept of the legal system. The differences of ...
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ecological compensation means and its contents, and summed up the foreign market-oriented compensation for ecological benefits of experience and ...
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2002,PP.165184. {12}Waiter C.Dauterman,Internet Regulation:Foreign Actors and Local Harmsat the Crossroads of Pornography,Hate Speech,and Freedom of ...
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problems, this article analyzes the nature reserve legislative status quo, foreign legal means to protect nature reserves in developed countries to ...
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theoretical system founded process and points out that, compared with foreign study results, Chinese original binary forensic accounting theory system ...
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law. In the foundation, this paper advocates some suggestions by referring to the experience of foreign countries law. 【关键词】动物福利;动物福利法;刑法 【英文关键词 ...
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we are acquainted with and concisely comparing the following databases from a foreign-related IP pragmatic perspective. In terms of search skills of a ...
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China began its economic reform and adopted open-door policy, Chinese foreign trade and shipping industry have been expended rapidly.Today, China has ...
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law on the prevention of unified thought only of supervision procedure in the foreign registration, no one puts forward only professor Taylor, but we ...
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