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between the lawful abilities allocation and practical distribution, reflecting legal value of fair, security, efficiency. 【关键词】公司权利;权力;配置 【英文关键词 ...
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but also to the other species. Anyway, the Eco-man wills leads to the evolutions of the security , equality and liberty values of law. 【关键词】人性;生态人;安全; ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-165621.html -了解详情
(Cincinnati, Ohio: Anderson Publishing Co,2002),pp130-138. [36] Grant Gilmore,Security Interests in Personal Property (Vol.Two)(Union,New Jersey:The ...
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(3).[ Xue jianming. the concept of forest management and forestry development in security system of Japan [ J ] . Global Forestry,2007(3). China.] [13 ...
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national policy, is relative with Chinas modernization process and the national security, and is conducive for the realization of the human societys ...
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分配政治。 在现代国家,司法权是对可能被滥用的政治权力的最终制衡。在美国建国之父们看来,政府的最重要的目的之一就是保护财产的安全(the security of Property)。[47]因此,他们设计了第五修正案,以公共使用和公正补偿两个条款对政府的征收权进行限制。这两个条款的目的,就是为了防止 ...
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of ecology countryside,focus on how to set up corresponding legal security mechanism, promote the rural construction of ecology countryside in our ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-161757.html -了解详情
to all the WTO members and are a safety valve ensuring domestic economic security of the WTO members and trade liberalization。 (Cai Fang, 2004 ...
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important life support systems in the world. And its ecological role in the security system can not be replaced. But at the present time there is no ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-160871.html -了解详情
more a reflection of the fragile elderly care system. With an effective social security system yet to be built, nursing home is simply not a reliable ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-160559.html -了解详情
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