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be represented in the Medical Council. Civil Appeal No.721 of 2006 is directed against the order of the learned High Court of Sindh in which the same ...
evidence, but could inform itself in any manner it considered just. 28 Against that background, I turn to the individual references and the grounds of ...
C) NO.6073 OF 2006] A.K.MATHUR, J. Leave granted.This appeal is directed against the order dated 18.1.2006 passed by learned Single Judge of the High ...
to 18 years imprisonment and 10strokes. The prosecution now appeals to this Court against thedecision of the Court of Appeal.Prosecution’s Case:On 9.5 ...
r 7 of the Rules of the High Court 1980 (the RHC) can be issued against a representative of the deceased holding a grant of a letter of administration ...
carried out in relation to a separate conspiracy. As allegations had been made against the officer of a local police station in regard to the mode and ...
to address and test why the City decided to enforce the By-law against the respondents at this time, to properly provide the full factual matrix for ...
[12] In her reasons for judgment making the order for security for costs against Freshway, Madam Justice Saunders held as follows: [5] It is clear, I ...
[5] In addition, a penalty under subsection 163(2) of the Act was assessed against the Appellant on an amount of $52,368.49 for the 2000 taxation year ...
that the agreement and deposit cheque be delivered to Mr Foley. Inour view, against the background of well-settled law that solicitors do not have ...
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