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x/2007 香港特別行政區 高等法院原訟法庭 小額錢債審裁處上訴2007年第70號 (原本案件編號:小額錢債審裁處申索2006年第x號) ---------------------- x申索人 (上訴申請人) 與 x被告人 ---------------------- 主審法官:高等法院原訟法庭 ...
option was found to be valid, whether, by the terms of the fresh loan agreement, Wee still owed Citicorp a further $800,000 for the termination of the ...
the executor maintain an action on behalf of the estate to enforce the settlement agreement in light of s. 59 of the Estate Administration Act, R.S.B ...
the requirements set out insubsections (2) to (5) are complied with.(2) The agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties.(3) Each party to ...
order is made after April 1997, the day it is made; and (b) where the agreement or order is made before May 1997, the day, if any, that is after April ...
be) as follows:- 6.1.1 … 6.1.2 that as at the date of execution of this Agreement by Each of the Sellers, His Unit is not the subject of any option to ...
24 As Art 17.1 referred to “date of signing” and given that the March 2005 agreement was signed on each of the 31 pages, this “date of signing” was a ...
(1997), 37 O.R. (3d) 50 (Ont. Ct. J.) (Gen. Div.)) where an entire agreement clause such as that included in the contract in this case was applied to ...
W.W.R. 733 (B.C.C.A.).) The Court in Shaw Industries held that the agreement was still ‘on foot’, citing King v. Urban Country Tpt. Ltd. (1973) 1 O.R ...
or supply of any product by or to the Appellant or any other party to the agreement. [64] However, clauses 2.2 and 2.4 to 2.7 of the USA deal with ...
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