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été de permettre à monsieur Martel d'y faire des travaux de mécanique automobile. Or, madame Lafond a reconnu qu'aucun travail de mécanique n'avait é ...
The Worker was reimbursed by the Appellant, for the use of her personal automobile, at the rate of 33 cents per kilometre; s) The Appellant maintained ...
2001 income tax return, no claim was made for capital cost allowance re the automobile. I refer you to the exhibit that was filed for the 2001 year. ...
à tout, aurait-il été maladroit dans la gestion de son dossier automobile, surtout si le maintien en vigueur de ladite garantie constituait une aussi ...
報章雜誌資料、網站資料及我國商標註冊資料影本等證據 資料觀之,世界知名之一級方程式賽車活動之國際主管單位Federati onInternationalde1’Automobile(以下簡稱FIA),係成立於 西元1904年,參加人為FIA授權負責有關一級方程式商標之註冊及商 品或服務之促銷、宣傳等 ...
, so that when we wish to greet friends on the street, drive an automobile, buy oranges, borrow money, form a business, bury our dead, or whatever, we ...
see also Sarkar on Evidence at p 1282). Hence, in Wong Kai Chung v Automobile Association of Singapore [1993] 2 SLR 577, this court stated that s 94(f ...
C.J.C. in Volvo Canada Ltd. v. International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), Local 720 (1979 ...
maintenance costs. For 2005, Rock Lacroix acknowledged that 20% of his automobile costs were personal expenses. [7] He indicated that he could spend ...
on the residence. [5] In 1994, the appellant was injured in an automobile accident. She received a settlement of her claim for injuries caused by the ...
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