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eight years ago Todd Energy Ltd began proceedings under theCommerce Act 1986 against Transpower New Zealand Ltd and Powerco Ltd. Thecase has still not ...
a red light. The defendants do not appeal the finding of liability against them or the non-pecuniary damage award of $90,000.00. [3] The defendants ...
.C. Reg. 221/90 for an order striking out the writ and dismissing the action against it on the ground that the statement of claim did not allege facts ...
parties agreed that the assessment for 2000 could proceed by consent judgment against the Appellant for a total income of $13,223.08. Judgment shall ...
his seven month old daughterby drowning her in the bath. His appeal against conviction and the 17 yearminimum period of imprisonment imposed on him ...
by one party’s belief that Judges as a class are likely to bebiased against that party or in favour of the other party.1 No question of general ...
dismissed.REASONS[1] Having appealed unsuccessfully to the Court of Appeal against his convictionon a charge of maiming the complainant with intent to ...
in Belize, appeals the order of Mr. Justice Davies dismissing its action against Willem Boelman pursuant to Rule 18(6). The action is a claim for ...
the Supreme Court order entered 18 December 2006 which stayed the action against the respondent, KCTS Television, pursuant to Rule 14(6.1) of the ...
in the Agricultural Land Reserve. 2. Does the imposition of a restrictive covenant, against a landowner’s wish, constitute a taking a [sic] portion of ...
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