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x/2007 香港特別行政區 高等法院原訟法庭 刑事上訴司法管轄權 充公命令上訴 案件編號:裁判法院上訴案件2007年第608號 (原粉嶺裁判法院案件2007年第77號) ---------------------- 香港特別行政區 訴 上訴人黃瀚笙 ---------------------- ...
广东省高级人民法院 民事判决书 (2006)粤高法民三终字第X号 上诉人(原审原告):阳东县长春医药保健品有限公司。住所地:广东省阳东县X路X号。 法定代表人:林某甲,董事长。 委托代理人:赖丽安,广东金粤律师事务所律师。 被上诉人(原审被告):广州丽信化妆品有限公司。住所地:广东省广州市海珠区 ...
Corporation as the process lacked transparency and was found to be against public policy and national interest. [Watan Party v. Federation of Pakistan ...
for appointment in the respective category by counting his appointment against future vacancies. (For example, we find that petitioner Archna Rani, ...
c)direct the respondent no.4 and 5 to take necessary disciplinary action against erring officials of the Local Administration of District Gwalior, for ...
devised by the fourthrespondent, the first respondent’s brother, the action against whom was,however, withdrawn upon his demise. And it was obvious ...
and only if he fails to make the payment, a complaint may be filed against him. As noted above, the object of the proviso is to avoid unnecessary ...
after conclusion of the investigation if any, further materials can be collected against any accused persons can be brought on record. The stand of ...
: WASCA\CACV\2007WASCA0006 (JC) Page 41 JUDGMENT OF THE COURT: The appellant appeals against aparenting order made by Martin J in the Family Court of ...
’s claim for damages for breach of contract in this action. His claim against the second to fifth defendants was based on the tort of conspiracy in ...
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