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2, I find that the Appellant's case is hopeless. He cannot possibly succeed against the Minister's disallowance of those tax credits for the following ...
Appellant asserted that a taxpayer is entitled to raise a new argument against an unfounded assessment, and he sought to establish that the Appellant ...
is dismissed.REASONS[1] This is an application for leave to appeal against convictions for indecentassault and sexual violation of the applicant’s ...
tothe respondents, jointly.REASONS[1] This is an application for leave to appeal against interim orders made by theCourt of Appeal pursuant to s 8 of ...
broader statements must be read in the context of the appeal against conclusions offact which turned on credibility).23 [1997] 1 NZLR 129 (PC).24 At ...
.REASONS[1] Both these applicants wish to appeal to this Court against sentences ofpreventive detention following dismissal of their appeals by the ...
apply for leave to appeal within 20 working days after the decision against whichthe appellant wishes to appeal. The Court may on application extend ...
largely of claims that have already been dismissed, irrelevant allegations against non-parties, pleadings of evidence, cross-references to affidavits ...
on the distinction between those tests as being determinative of this appeal against Mr. Hutchings, I will quote from the Resurfice decision in some ...
’s value upon expiration of the lease. Fourth, the term prohibiting against unlawful or inappropriate use of the truck and imposing a responsibility ...
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