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Property. In my opinion the value of the land sold by the Appellant to the Company should be valued at $1,400.00 per acre or a total of $112,000.00 ...
only 41 of his shares of Comsercom, amounting to 9.78% of this company's shares, cannot be considered to have been concluded primarily for bona fide ...
Ms. Kyriazakos admitted that she made no attempt to collect her loan from the Company, as she knew Mr. Sofos was in trouble, and, as a friend, she did ...
that failure to comply with Ontario regulations could cause a problem for the company. Parks was referred to the daily log sheets in Exhibit A-3 – and ...
] In April 2001, 360fiber sold units 7 and 8 directly to a U.S. railroad company. The sale proceeds of $231,902.79 (U.S.) were deposited into 360’s U. ...
pay compensation in the amount of $32,821.00 under s. 200(2)(i) of the Company Act (now s. 227(3)(m) of the Business Corporation Act, S.B.C. 2002, c. ...
would be credited to his pension, but told him that the records of the company had to show that he was hired in 1977. Upon his rehiring, the plaintiff ...
fairness to Mana, there was some evidence that it was generally a riskaverse company. On the other hand, the Judge was entitled to and did point toMs ...
1972] 2 QB 169, where Browne J said, at 175: "Just as a trading company has a trading reputation which it is entitled to protect by bringing an action ...
discussion you said “you can sue Glenhaven Properties if you like---it’s a $2 company and I can fuck you around for 3 years”. We are fully aware as to ...
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