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Appellant's income (1) $6,342.20 on account of a standby charge for an automobile (paragraph 6(1)(e) of the Income Tax Act (ITA); and (2) $1,920 on ...
Only the rental amount of $400 per month is to be included in her income under automobile and travel for a total of $4,800 in 2000 and $4,800 in 2001 ...
Kurtz's pursuit of M.S. caused the collision with Mr. Radke's automobile. He maintains that M.S. alone caused the collision by refusing to stop when ...
(C.A.), at p. 336: Before examining in detail the provisions of the Automobile Insurance Act, it is useful to consider the scope and intention of the ...
keep a log to record the business use or personal use of his automobile. He did not maintain a diary to record the appointments, meetings, open houses ...
os pre.os publicados em tabelas de pre.os de veículos novos da Revista Automobile de Hong Kong referenciados pela Reparti..o de Finan.as n.o poderem ...
Four Times Square New York, NY 10036 Party name: State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Jeremiah S. Buckley Buclkley Kolar LLP (202) 349-8000 ...
a stolen vehicle that sped through a stop sign and collided with an automobile carrying members of a family travelling home from a summer picnic. The ...
de l'OALM. [61] Le 10 avril 1992, l'appelant a fait l'achat d'une automobile de marque Porsche de l'an 1974 au prix de 27 000 $. Cependant, le contrat ...
été de permettre à monsieur Martel d'y faire des travaux de mécanique automobile. Or, madame Lafond a reconnu qu'aucun travail de mécanique n'avait é ...
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