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accounting year 同行业排名 Ranking in the industry 所在国或地区监管机构名称 Name of the home regulatory authority 中文: English: 近三年内是否受到所在国家或地区监管机构的处罚。如有,请说明 Has the ...
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fill out this Form in Chinese, unless otherwise stated.) 托管人名称 Name of the Applicant 中文: English: 在境内持续经营时间 Continual operations in P.R. China 上一会计年度实 ...
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.For the purpose of interpretation of the tender, the English version shallprevail.10. Documents Comprising the Tender10.1 The tender to be ...
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Us. LLOYS’S POLICY SIGNING OFFICE General Manager This insurance is subject to English jurisdiction. FORMMAR LPO 62A(1/1/82)Pnned by The Carnon Beny ...
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1.英文姓名___________________________________________ Name in English(as it appears in passport)中文姓名________________________国籍________________Name in ...
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) Work engaged Posts held 4、 语言能力/Language proficiency: 会 晤 阅 读 写 作 Speaking Reading Writing 汉语/Chinese: 英语/English: 其它/Other: *请用很好、好、一般或不会自行评价并填入空格/ ...
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shall be a lawyer and shall conduct the proceedings in the English language. Performance under this Agreement shall continue if reasonably possible ...
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the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the Chinese-language version and any translation hereof, the English language version shall prevail ...
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:Both staff of new setups and staff adjustment are requested to fill in this form in trip-licate both in Chinese and English, two each bear photos...
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年(year) $US $US $US 注:本表由申报设立机构一方填写,一式三份,用中英文填写。Note:This form is to be filled in triplicate by the application office both in chinese and English. ...
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