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" which were agreed upon on December 8, 2005, must be paid to Appellant's counsel on or before 5 days from the date of this Order. Signed at Toronto, ...
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] 3 C.T.C. 2416 (T.C.C.). [14] I am not able to agree with counsel as to the relevance of the Martin decision. The question in Martin was whether the ...
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A-1, Tab 9, the statement in this report that the Appellants' counsel disagreed with most vigorously reads: The payer's warehouse and storage facility ...
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per se, but he was cross-examined at length by the appellant's counsel on whether surplus was created by this transaction. A surplus was crystallized ...
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a long time and intended to continue on that basis into the future. [9] Counsel conceded that a personal element is not fatal to the existence of a ...
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dispute that the Agent owes aduty of care to the Purchaser. None of the counsel has referred to me to anyauthority on the scope or standard of duty ...
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the Act. This may be bona fide error. Mr. Sorabjee, learned Senior Counsel for the appellant, strenuously urged that after expiry of period of thirty ...
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must always be acutely aware that he is substituting his view for that of counsel as to the need to subpoena a certain witness and that he will seldom ...
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of process of this Court, and; 7. such further and other grounds as counsel may submit. [3] The Respondent brings a similar motion in respect of the ...
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his aircraft in 1999 and 2000 are deductible from his income for those years. Counsel for the Respondent is of the opinion that these expenses are not ...
//www.110.com/panli/panli_88197.html -了解详情
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