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of the course to be taken and identifying the institution offering it. Such applications may be denied if the Company determines, in its sole and ...
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shall have been passed the directors 由 all make all appropriations and applications of the undivided profits resolved to be capitalized thereby , all ...
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, Ng Lam Tin 15 months’ imprisonment and So Mun Yu 10 months. The applications for leave to appeal by Paul Yu and Ng Lam Tin were dismissed by the ...
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. That approach is, in my view, consistent with what has been decided earlier on in cases involving applications for forfeiture.” 15. 本席不同意黃資深大律師陳詞指法庭 ...
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v Wentworth (1994) 35 NSWLR 726 (Page 4) 1 STEYTLER P: There are two applications before the Court. The first is an application for review of the ...
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excessive taking into account the appellant's role in the offence, the applications of the principles which apply to offenders who are juveniles at ...
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and Callinan JJ.12 Next, although there is no invariable rule which governs applications under r 47, the failure to have adduced evidence which was ...
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Masters Dairy [2001] WASCA 1 (Page 3) 1 PULLIN JA: There are two applications before the Court. The first is an application by the appellant for leave ...
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of vacancies for which selections are to be made and scrutiny of applications received. Rule 33 provides for the determination of place, dates and ...
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” are excluded inthis discussion). It is the civil High Court thathears such applications. In the case of probate,among the questions that could arise ...
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