Any failure of his sub-contractor, employee or agent to observe the aforesaid contractual clause shall be deemed to be a breach of the Contract on the ...
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62] It is common for a dispute to arise as to whether the contractual intention professed by one party is shared by the other. Particularly in appeals ...
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between payment of a sum in the event of non-performance of a contractual obligation and payment of a sum on the happening of an event. In the latter ...
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to the primary Investment and Fee Agreements and do not alter the contractual provisions in those Agreements. The pension trusts are not liable to pay ...
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)为分析素材,并主要从契约的主体资格分析入手。因为从严格的意义上说,契约是在至少两个具有契约能力(contractual capacity)的当事人之间缔结的,而契约能力又是与“法律人格”(legal personality)观念联系在一起。但是,Next Steps Agency实际上并没有真正 ...
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resulted in the loss of the employment. It was not a case of contractual damages but of essentially criminal damages. Based on the facts set out in ...
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Article 241 In case the possession occurs on the basis of a contractual relationship, the related stipulations in the contract shall be apply to the ...
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related contract may select the applicable law for resolution of a contractual dispute, except otherwise provided by law. Where parties to the foreign ...
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在此基础上,又有进一步扩展。第一至三编在继承其大部分规则的同时,也增加和完善了储如缔约过失责任(Marketing and pre-contractual duties)、撤销(Right of withdrawal)等内容;草案第四编也增加了买卖、租赁等有名合同的具体规定。从而使草案在继承合同法 ...
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or not AES intended to construct a prototype in order to meet its contractual obligations was a matter for it. 27 The next allegation was that of a ...
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