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they were so waived, the closing would occur 90 days later. [7] The letter went on, however, to contemplate a sale of shares rather than real property ...
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case may be. The following application documents shall be included:(1) the letter of application;(2) the feasibility study report and the agreement of ...
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a month from the period from May 1997 to 2003. Yet included with a letter dated November 10, 1999 (Exhibit R-15) to the appellant's counsel from Mr. ...
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中需明示其是可撤或不可撤,如无明示,信用证应视为不可撤;只有明确“可装让”的信用证方可装让) 20 Letter of Credit Number (信用证号码) LC84E0081/99 (信用证号码,一般做单时都要求注此号) 31G Date of Issue (开证日期) 99091631D ...
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[Joint Book of Documents, Vol. 2, Tab 42] and faxed a copy of the letter, dated August 9, 1993, to John Zaytsoff for his review. The third page of ...
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, the respondent informed the IOC that if all its nine vessels, mentioned in the letter, are used at a fair and reasonable rate for one year, from 1st ...
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force and in two letters from the Ministry to Council. [10] The first letter, dated 14 May 1996, was written on behalf of two greenhouse operators who ...
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or about October 23, 2001, the Borrowers requested and obtained from the defendant a letter of credit having a value of CDN $7,815,325. (c) On January ...
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it is presumptuous, in my opinion, to want to have us believe that a mere letter of intent, which is not legally valid, could be the foundation of the ...
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Speert wrote to Dr. Armstrong about the appellant on 21 September 1998. That letter closes with this: It is clear to me that the current situation is ...
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