vulneratus (Panzer)亚棕象甲123.Sahlbergella singularis Haglund可可盲蝽象124.Saperda spp. (non-Chinese)楔天牛(非中国种)125.Scolytus multistriatus (Marsham)欧洲榆小蠹126. ...
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over 50% of the shares of a corporation are owned by one or more non-residents or by one or more public corporations regardless of whether or not a ...
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son père. Il dit que le prix indiqué est le prix que valent les bijoux et non le prix payé. Son père a témoigné qu'il est de tradition de donner des ...
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brief duration only and is not of a kind likely to harm thevictim, a non-monetary remedy is unlikely to mark sufficiently what has been done.[268] The ...
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institution is in China. For the purposes of this Law, the term "non-resident enterprises" shall refer to Enterprises that are set up in accordance ...
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avait t juge peu conforme la solution qui s'est satisfaite d'un fait direct mme non fautif de l'enfant. D'une part, ds lors que le fait de l'enfant a ...
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the violating party, remove any or all links to such party's, at the non violating party's sole discretion. If a party's site fails to operate fully ...
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de 6 000 $ pour 2000 et de 3 240 $ pour 2001 les revenus d'entreprise non déclarés attribués à celle?ci. En vertu du paragraphe 163(2) de la Loi de l ...
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that are proven effective, including neutrality, consent of parties concerned and non-use of force except for self-defense, etc. —— China supports the ...
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领域的活动和影响不作过多讨论。 {5}See Peter Willetts, What is a Non-Governmental Organization?, available at // ...
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