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斯。弗里德:《契约即允诺:契约责任的一种理论》(Charles Fried,Contract as Promise: A Theory of Contractual Obligation ,Cambridge, MA, 1981)。 [11] 布赖恩·梯尔尼:《宗教、法律和宪法思想的发展:1150- ...
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负有购买选择权,还包括产品与服务一同被采购的情形(procurement by any contractual means, including through such methods as purchase or aslease, rental or hire purchase, with or ...
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动向》,49页,北京:北京大学出版社,1993. 2 See Stewart Macaulay, Non-Contractual Relations in Business: A Preliminary Study, 28American Sociological Review55(1963)。 3 ...
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尔斯·弗里德:《契约即允诺:契约责任的一种理论》(Charles Fried,Contract as Promise: A Theory of Contractual Obligation ,Cambridge, MA, 1981)。 [11] 布赖恩·梯尔尼:《宗教、法律和宪法思想的发展:1150 ...
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subsidiaries, and has further concluded that the failure to provide such contractual indemnification could result in great harm to the Company and its ...
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any destroyed, lost or stolen Warrant shall constitute an original additional contractual obligation of the Company and the Co-Issuer, whether or not ...
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.5. Independent Obligations. The Settlement Payment is in settlement of preexisting contractual claims and shall not: (a) be reduced by any severance ...
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's breach by reason that the Appellee has performed a majority of the contractual obligations and the Appellant was using the lease house when the ...
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mapping services to the following entities through a direct contractual agreement with such entities: Hotel Reservations Network, Travelocity, Orbitz ...
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or delayed in the performance of the Works due to the Owner''s contractual default, the Contractor shall be entitled to suspend performance of this ...
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