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certificate for civil liability against oil pollution damage,” or a “credit certificate for civil liability against oil pollution damage,” or furnish ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_314115.html -了解详情
funds guarantee account opened in the name of the securities firm, a separate credit granting account shall be opened for each customer. Article 51 A ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_313885.html -了解详情
, in so far as they obtain the advantage in the field of export credit, with the exception of particular circumstances.12. Any other charge on the ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_312828.html -了解详情
have illegally handled issuing a certificate, such as a permit, license, credit certificate, or credential, or examining and approving or registering ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_312819.html -了解详情
contract, and the pledge right shall be established after the related credit rating institution has handled the registration of the pledge. After the ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_312802.html -了解详情
forms of cooperative economy, such as producers', supply and marketing, credit and consumers' cooperatives, belong to the sector of socialist economy ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_312797.html -了解详情
fund property shall not be taken as their liquidation property.Article 7 The credit rights of fund property may not be set off against the debts of ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_312786.html -了解详情
the rules on real-name bank accounts, promoting the construction of the social credit system, carrying into effect the anti-money laundering work, and ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_312771.html -了解详情
valuation firm, a law firm, a financial consultancy firm or a credit rating firm which issues sponsor letters, audit reports, asset valuation reports ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_312764.html -了解详情
forms of cooperative economy, such as producers, supply and marketing, credit and consumers' cooperatives, belong to the sector of socialist economy ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_312760.html -了解详情
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