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R-8, R-9 and R-10. [10] The Appellant claims in the Notice of Appeal that it was a "bare trustee". In law, there is little difference between a bare ...
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and Schedule I of the Respondent's Reply to the Amended Notice of Appeal. They read: 9. The Minister reassessed the Appellant for the 1997, 1998 and ...
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had been suggested it would be. [18] I would not accede to this ground of appeal. [19] I turn to the effect of rescission of the third-reading on the ...
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(ON) - 62(3)(f) Exhibit R-1, Tab 42,534.36Total$20,557.58 [15] The appeal is allowed in part and the assessment is referred back to the Minister for ...
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theapplicant’s conduct.[2] Counsel for the applicant submitted to the Court of Appeal, and to this Court,that the evidence of D was admitted by the ...
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of the Court ofAppeal which held that it had no jurisdiction to hear an appeal against a decision ofthe High Court. That Court has given leave to the ...
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. 102 (cited to B.C.L.R.) (C.A.) (“CBC”), the British Columbia Court of Appeal set out a list of the factors that might be considered in assessing the ...
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on "distrust" and raised not even a prima facie case. As indicated, leave to appeal the order he made was refused. The mere fact that the court's ...
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not be a desirable development,for the reasons given by the Court of Appeal. It would also be productive,potentially at least, of much argument about ...
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not seek to enter fresh evidence of Mr. Maddox’s revised opinion on the appeal, and it is not clear that it would be admissible, since at least some ...
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