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Measures,Article 11.9,20.3,20.4,20.5. [15]See Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing.Measures,Article 14. [16]See WT/DS212/R,paragraph 7.49、 ...
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值得注意的是,1956年12月与联合国经社理事会签订《联合国与国际金融公司关系协定》(Agreement between the United Nations and the International Finance Corporation)的不是IFC,而是IBRD。IFC董事会先授权IBRD与 ...
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值得注意的 是,1956年12月与联合国经社理事会签订《联合国与国际金融公司关系协定》(Agreement between the United Nations and the International Finance Corporation)的不是IFC,而是IBRD。IFC董事会先授权IBRD ...
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时取消所有的出口补贴,由此放弃了根据《补贴与反补贴协定》(SCM Agreement)第27条第2款(b)项本应享有的权利,这一条款 对有关反倾销及反补贴税的行政决定进行司法审查。参见 AD Agreement,第13条及SCM Agreement,第23条。 [50] 参见GATS第6条第2款(b ...
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more similar to one another. But as to enforcing the arbitration agreement, there still exist different theories or viewpoints in the international ...
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Measures,Article 11.9,20.3,20.4,20.5. [15]See Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing.Measures,Article 14. [16]See WT/DS212/R,paragraph 7.49、 ...
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对方跨类别行使约定权利能否享受安全港保护处于不确定状态。为解决此问题,破产改革法在上述五种基本类别之上增加了一个概括性的总冲抵协议(master netting agreement),即规定在上述五类金融交易之内或之间行使冲抵、终止或加速到期等权利的协议,将之也纳入保护范围。这意味着只要是在总冲抵 ...
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such issuer (other than an exempted security) or a security-based swap agreement (as defined in section 206B of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act) involving ...
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such issuer (other than an exempted security) or a security-based swap agreement (as defined in section 206B of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act) involving ...
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taking of any additional action under subsection (3); and (b) subject to the agreement of the person, it is not obliged to comply with section 198(1)。 ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-63185.html -了解详情
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