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told agents for the parties that the opinion of the court would be available for counsel and agents to see on 14 March 2005, but that it was not to be ...
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a position to respond to this request until after I have consulted with counsel. In this regard, it is my intention to obtain this legal advice after ...
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considers to be credible evidence relevant to what is alleged to be a crime. Counsel have a duty to see that all available legal proof of the facts is ...
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he gave evidence. It was disallowed for reasons given under 『1』 above. Counsel for the defendant had no objection to the exclusion of this passage. 『4 ...
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J has explained. In short, the police breached the right he had, as aperson charged, to counsel (ss 23 and 24 of the Bill of Rights Act) and his right ...
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is within the $1,000,000 limit, i.e. $48,000. [22] In that counsel did not have an opportunity to address these calculations or the basis for them, ...
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.A.), and McIlvenna v. I.C.B.C., 2006 BCCA 576 (Chambers, Huddart J.A.). Counsel for the Tribunal relies on Radke v. M.S. et al, supra, Balla v. Fitch ...
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123(1) of the Excise Tax Act. The supply is an exempt supply. [22] Counsel wondered whether the Minister did not have a duty to indicate with which of ...
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as is required by paragraph 169(1)(a) of the Act. I agree with counsel for the Respondent and the appeal on this point will be dismissed. [21] The ...
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Advisors. As it happened, DS’s records were returned, on the advice of counsel, within a few days of the employees leaving, but that does not sanitize ...
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