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;构建农民参与农业面源污染防治能力的培育体系。 【英文摘要】Agricultural non-point sources pollution, which is becoming more and more serious in China, has been a crucial factor in ...
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. In that return, the Appellant (a) reported a net loss of $22,967 and a non-capital loss of $22,697 for the year, and (b) claimed a $9,844 refundable ...
//www.110.com/panli/panli_87866.html -了解详情
be used for the purpose approved by the approval authority, and may not be used to cover losses and non-operating expenditures. 第一百六十二条:凡有下列情形之一的,不得再次 ...
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be used for the purpose approved by the approval authority, and may not be used to cover losses and non-operating expenditures. 第一百六十二条:凡有下列情形之一的,不得再次 ...
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non-point source pollution laws and regulations. 【关键词】非点源污染;控制;立法 【英文关键词】 Non-point source pollution; Control; Legislation 【写作年份】2007年 【正文】 一、绪论 据国家环保 ...
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way justified in this case to raise the corporate veil. Exclusion due to non-arm’s length relationship [37] As seen earlier, even if the Workers are ...
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person who is sent by a state-owned company or enterprise to a non-state-owned company or enterprise to engage in public service shall, if committing ...
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Leases and bring the Betty Ang petition) based on that advice. Counsel for non-LSOG owners had written to the first and second law firms warning that ...
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] Dig. Ulpianus 10 ad ed. Si quid universitati debetur, singulis non debetur: nec quod debet universitas singuli debent. [18] Dig. Gaius ...
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1-2.1998),at 5. [4]JNLWD 1998 Report,supra note 3,at inside cover. [5]Policy for Non-Lethal Weapons,U.S.Dept of Def.Directive No.3000.3,para.C(July 9, ...
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