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also appreciate having your confirmation that it will be in order for us [to] report to you and forward our accounts to you as the matter proceeds. [6 ...
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G, 2000 G.T.C. 4020, wrote as follows: 29 Since Carlton did not report any taxable supplies until February 1995 and did not collect any GST during the ...
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would have been unfavourable to him. [17] The appellant presented as evidence the report of his expert witness, Gérard C?té, CGA, filed as Exhibits A ...
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Lee prepare the property for sale and in June 1993 he authored a report that was eventually given to Robert Macdonald to assist in formulating the ...
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Windset applied for a permit in respect of the third phase. By a report dated 6 May 1999, staff recommended to Council, issuance of the permit subject ...
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the CLSC before the agency intervened. [10] If the nurse was unable to report at the given time, she could simply find a replacement. She notified the ...
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, the name of the affiant, was wrong. [10] The Hearing Panel issued a report dismissing the citation on 23 August 2004. [11] On 2 September 2004, the ...
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Paris for counsel for the Appellant for $3,307.78, fees for the expert report for $18,600 and costs for the Paris/Montreal/Paris trip for the witness ...
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filled out when Mr. Gaucher was expelled from the Appellant's house. The report states that the Appellant had been seeing Mr. Gaucher for three years ...
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by the plaintiffs. The plaintiffs did not sue until 1889. Much of the report is addressed to why the action was not brought more promptly. The owners ...
//www.110.com/panli/panli_87855.html -了解详情
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