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to do anything else, and only raised the fact it was not really her income on appeal to this Court. [8] She confirmed that she did not prepare her tax ...
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haveno prospect of success and accordingly cannot be a proper basis for an appeal to thisCourt. Nor do any of the other matters referred to by the ...
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person, could amount toa breach of s 9.[5] We are dismissing the appeal because it has no prospect of success and hencethere has been no miscarriage ...
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and I would not accede to the argument. [19] I would allow the Anderson appeal on all four counts, quash the convictions on those counts and order a ...
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.5(1) of the I.T.A applies to her. [44] For all of these reasons, the appeal is dismissed. The capital gain realized by the Appellant’s spouse must be ...
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.5(1) of the I.T.A applies to her. [44] For all of these reasons, the appeal is dismissed. The capital gain realized by the Appellant’s spouse must be ...
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for that of the trial judge. [4] In the result, I would dismiss the appeal. In so doing, I concur with the observations of the trial judge that it is ...
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A trial judge is entitled to accept or reject evidence and a court of appeal will not interfere with the exercise of this authority in the absence of ...
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that a miscarriage of justicehas or may have occurred, warranting a further appeal to this Court; but we are notpersuaded that leave should be granted ...
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from that date. [14] The defendants are also entitled to the costs of this appeal. [15] RYAN, J.A.: I agree, [16] DONALD, J.A.: I agree. [17] FINCH, ...
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