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stubs to the affidavit, along with a medical report from or at least a letter from your doctors setting out your condition, and to the extent that you ...
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comes to is this: "The respondent could have sent to us a copy of its letter of demand of 24th April, 2003, and, if so, we would have been liable as ...
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the employment for each of the Workers for the respective Periods. [7] By letter dated May 14, 2003 the Workers appealed the Rulings. [8] The Minister ...
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cause of the litigation because it failed to provide a relevant document, a letter, until late in the process and the appellant acted reasonably in ...
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date. [14] On November 17, 2005, Mr. Cleland’s counsel faxed a letter to Harbour Management’s counsel indicating that Mr. Cleland took the position ...
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to B.S.A. in the amount of $550,000 pursuant to an “offer letter” of November 5, 1999, and a promissory note dated November 15, 2000 (the “loan”); b. ...
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meet for lunch, “. . . to discuss this further”. [15] Presumably pursuant to the letter, Messrs. Meier and Shafron met on December 5, 2000. The topic ...
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(The decisions are collectively referred to as “the GARR Decisions“.) [7] By letter dated October 25, 2005 I requested that counsel for the parties ...
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and unfulfilled conditions. Once the conditions precedent imposed in the letter agreements between the parties, supra, had been fulfilled, as they ...
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as a witness. However, she sets out her position in an undated letter to Canada Revenue Agency, contained in the Appellants' Book of Documents as ...
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