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People’s Republic of China shall be applicable to the handling of the applications mentioned in the preceding paragraph by a people’s court.Article 58 ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_312830.html -了解详情
the said authority, adopt the means of voting for the determination of applications for stock issuance and set forth the opinions on examination. The ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_312785.html -了解详情
统一受理和审查专利申请,依法授予专利权。 It receives and examines patent applications and grants patent rights for inventions-creations in accordance with law. 省、自治区、直辖市 ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-330565.html -了解详情
-10]. //www.iea.org/techno/etp/index.asp. {8} European patent applications filed with the EPO per technicalfield and per country of residence of ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-303660.html -了解详情
60. [32]Timothy Crowe, Design Crime Prevention Through Environment Design: Applications of Architectural Design and Space Management Concepts, Sencond ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-271173.html -了解详情
receives prioritized access to CPU resources. This service enables multimedia applications to utilize as much of the CPU as possible without denying ...
//bbs.110.com/thread-26720-1-1.html -了解详情
receives prioritized access to CPU resources. This service enables multimedia applications to utilize as much of the CPU as possible without denying ...
//bbs.110.com/thread-21766-1-1.html -了解详情
receives prioritized access to CPU resources. This service enables multimedia applications to utilize as much of the CPU as possible without denying ...
//bbs.110.com/thread-15163-1-1.html -了解详情
receives prioritized access to CPU resources. This service enables multimedia applications to utilize as much of the CPU as possible without denying ...
//bbs.110.com/thread-12135-1-1.html -了解详情
to it as the Court thinks fit. and r 2(3) refers to applications to discharge or vary production orders by parties other than the Attorney-General or ...
//www.110.com/panli/panli_88281.html -了解详情
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