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《仲裁法》第十九条南非《仲裁法》第三十四条第一、二、三、四款。Kathrada v.Arbitration Tribunal 1975 2SA 673(A) 679.第三十五条第二、三、四、五款。Basil Coutsoudis, Basil Coutsoudis, International ...
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assumption, as shall I, that at any trial of this action or in any arbitration of a grievance by the plaintiff, the central issue will be whether the ...
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is unclear; and the Swiss Federal court can set aside the CAS awards when it found some arbitration problems in CAS proceedings. 【关键词】体育仲裁院;管辖权;仲裁协议;自 ...
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-管辖权)原则应该作为认定仲裁协议有效性的基本原则。法院的支持和监督是必不可少的,但不能影响到仲裁作为解决争议的方法的独立性。 仲裁协议(arbitration agreement)或称仲裁契约、仲裁合同,是确定国际商事仲裁管辖权的必要条件之一,被认为是国际商事仲裁的基石,它是指国际商事关系的双方 ...
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arbitrator in New York in accordance with the then-existing Rules of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce, except that the parties may ...
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employee must seek a remedy for alleged wrongful dismissal (e.g., a labour arbitration and not a court). The Court in no way purported to abolish the ...
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/Allee%20Peinhardt%20Sept2009. pdf. {11}Keisuke lids. The Political Economy of Investment Arbitration:An Analysis of ICSID Data 10-11[R] .New Or-leans ...
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后仲裁协议达成的终点确定 【英文关键词】arbitration agreement concluded afterwards, arbitration agreement concluded after disputes arise, theterminal point defining 【写作年份 ...
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仲裁裁决的,另一方可以申请人民法院执行。 The parties shall implement the arbitration award. If one of the parties fails to implement the award, the other party may apply ...
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出版社2006年版,第287页。 [29] Mark Beeley,Hakeem Seriki,Res Judicata:Recent Developments in Arbitration,8Int.A.L.R.(2005),p.116. [30 ]See note[2],p.17,fn.96. ...
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