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Crown:[14] The Law Commission explained the purpose of that subsection in its report,Costs in Criminal Cases, as follows:7Section 7(1)(a) of the Act ...
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3.105 R v Rogers [2006] 2 NZLR 156 at paras [67] – [69].report of what took place during the reconstruction at Mangonui in the admissibilityjudgments ...
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Old Orchard and another to Lac Saint?Jean and to Thetford Mines. The report of the Objections Officer states that Ms. Lafond said that she had never ...
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the sale was recorded like any other sale and was included in the daily report, which was used by Mr. Blanchette to do his accounting. According to Mr ...
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is true that such a return may not be achieved. In the economist’s report dated November 134, 2002, and filed in this proceeding, it was pointed out ...
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access to these reports but had not made reference to them in her report. The witness responded in general terms that although she had been aware of ...
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payroll documentation prior to December 2003. [7] Both parties relied on a report prepared by the Appeals Officer, E. Whyte, on behalf of the Minister ...
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of the columns, which would (as B.C. Transit’s own appraisal report acknowledged) limit the potential for residential use. [22] Accordingly, I am of ...
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). [9] The auditor, Ngoc Ha Duong, was the first witness for the Appellant. His report was filed as Exhibit A?1. He refused the claim for an input tax ...
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suggested that his doctor and dentistshould give evidence. Mr Davis obtained a report from the appellant’s doctor andspoke to his dentist (or at least ...
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