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一案中,Godfrey J.A.在327頁內曾論及: “ APPEAL ON FACT It is not a proper ground of appeal that the judge preferred the evidence of the respondent’s witnesses to ...
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案例的講論,第一個原則本席要考慮的,就是原告人的上訴是否並無實質的勝訴的機會(no realistic prospect of succeeding on the appeal)。原告人向法庭提交了陳辭綱要(skeleton submission),也作出了陳辭。本席認為,就著陳辭綱要和今天的陳辭的 ...
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撰寫法庭記錄,有關內容如下: ‘ Handing down judgment Order : 1. Appeal be allowed, the bankruptcy order of Hon Kwan J dated 22.5.2001 against debtor (appellant) Ms ...
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of R v Sorby (1986) 21 A Crim R 64, in which the Court of Criminal Appeal in Victoria sought to reconcile the approach of Chamberlain with a line of ...
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be regarded by the litigants as simply another opportunity to re-try the facts. An appeal to the High Court is not a rehearing of the case. The Judge ...
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for review. If the party contests the review decision, the party may appeal to the People's Court in accordance with the law. Article 50. Domestic ...
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organ at a higher level, which shall, within 15 days of receiving the appeal, make a final decision. Persons who are punished may also bring a suit ...
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the second paragraph of Article 28 or Article 30 of this Law, he may appeal to the public security organ at the next higher level within five days of ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_314690.html -了解详情
the date of receiving complaints. If disagrees with the reply, the passenger may appeal to the MCRCAS. The MCRCAS shall make a reply within 15 work ...
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be an arbitration agreement; (2) there shall be a specific appeal request, facts and reasons for the appeal; and (3) the case shall be within the ...
//www.110.com/fagui/law_312848.html -了解详情
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