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时需填写社会安全卡号码、姓名、住址等资料,并签订融通协定(Credit Agreement ) 、质押协定( Hypot hecation Agreement) 以及同意出借协定(Loan Consent Agreement) . (2) 证券商资格。根据美国的有关规定,持有客户有价证券的证券商只要 ...
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Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes,简称ICSID)解决或借助多边投资担保机构(Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agreement,简称MIGA)解决政治风险问题,但是这两种解决方式的有效性也令人怀疑。 ...
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its liability to EGH or the PRINCIPALS for claims arising out of this Agreement be less than that of EGH or the PRINCIPALS liability to third parties ...
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its liability to EGH or the PRINCIPALS for claims arising out of this Agreement be less than that of EGH or the PRINCIPALS liability to third parties ...
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, with respect to the interpretation of paragraph 7 of the Protocol to the Agreement, that their understanding is as follows: 1. A person (other than ...
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管辖的措施设置限定范围,并没有明确排除所得税措施的适用。 [21] WTO框架下的《与贸易有关的投资措施协定》(Agreement on Trade Related Investment Measures,以下简称《TRIMs协定》)的相关条款也印证了所得税措施应受WTO规则的管辖。《TRIMs协定 ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-148493.html -了解详情
值得注意的是,1956年12月与联合国经社理事会签订《联合国与国际金融公司关系协定》(Agreement between the United Nations and the International Finance Corporation)的不是IFC,而是IBRD。IFC董事会先授权IBRD与 ...
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值得注意的 是,1956年12月与联合国经社理事会签订《联合国与国际金融公司关系协定》(Agreement between the United Nations and the International Finance Corporation)的不是IFC,而是IBRD。IFC董事会先授权IBRD ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-186013.html -了解详情
时取消所有的出口补贴,由此放弃了根据《补贴与反补贴协定》(SCM Agreement)第27条第2款(b)项本应享有的权利,这一条款 企业(注册为有限责任公司的)、外商独资企业、外商控股公司或外商投资股份有限公司是中国法人。有关外商投资企业的一般规定可查阅中国外经贸部网站www.moftec.gov. ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-179291.html -了解详情
more similar to one another. But as to enforcing the arbitration agreement, there still exist different theories or viewpoints in the international ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-161089.html -了解详情
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