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Amstar Service Ltd., a commercial cleaning services company. The issue in this appeal is whether he carried out his general manager duties in 2001 and ...
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the material and submissions, I have come to the conclusion that leave to appeal ought to be granted on both applications. [2] In keeping with the ...
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上訴許可。不過,正如黃先生所填寫的表格 9開宗明義地指出,申請上訴許可必須根據法律論點,英文的說法是“Application for leave to appeal on points of law”。換言之,根據法律規定,原訟法庭在履行上訴法庭的職能時,只能根據原審審裁官在法律論點上有否犯錯來作出 ...
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他現時擁有的天台是屬於邵國華(HCAL 8/2004Building Authority(Applicant) v Appeal Tribunal (Building) (Respondent) and Siu Kwok Wah (Interested Party))案件中所涉及的非法天台一樣,享有 ...
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傑生 一案中本席說: “…In both cases the court hearing the appeal expressed a possible inadequacy in the maximum term of sentence prescribed under the Ordinance ...
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facts and no explanation is given, it is not open to complain on appeal that another inference was available to be drawn, particularly when the facts ...
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第58號命令第2條規則第4節的規定,原告人要取得上訴許可(leave to appeal)的話,這項請求應在2007年7月5日之後的28日內提出。 3. 不 ...
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頒下判案書,有關的判決在2007年7月30日蓋章存檔。按《區域法院規則》第58號命令第2條規則第4節的規定,原告人要取得上訴許可(leave to appeal)的話,這項請求應在2007年7月30日之後的二十八日內提出。不過《區域法院規則》第58號命令第2條規則第10節也有規定,容許本席行使酌情權 ...
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appellate courts. It does not go to the role of the Court of Final Appeal under the ‘point of law of great and general importance’ limb.” 本席亦 ...
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版本日期01/07/1997附注:具追溯力的修订─见1998年第25号第2条(1)在本条例中,除文意另有所指外─“上诉”(appeal)包括为撤销判决或将判决作废、或申请重新审讯或申请暂缓执行判决而进行的任何法律程序;“外地国家”(foreigncountry)的涵义与《 ...
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