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fee would be $81,505.13 based on a 35% contingency, or percentage fee, agreement. The plaintiff used this as a starting point to show an unjust result ...
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obtained earlier by the defence and filed as clinical records by agreement, including portions suggesting that tested range of motion measurements of ...
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company; j) the Worker was hired as "Home Care Assistant" under a verbal agreement; k) the Worker is a certified Home Care Assistant; l) the Worker ...
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income in 1991. That was not before me. [6] There was an oral agreement between the Appellant and Fashion that he would receive money based on sales ...
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girl because the mother had no car. [7] According to their agreement, Mr. Gaucher contributed $750 per month to general household expenses, including ...
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, the trial judge rejected the location of the Shortt Pin, finding the agreement unenforceable. He said (at paras. 52-53): In my view the approach ...
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proceedings to recover a debt arising from the Joint Section Agreement. [28] In Smolensky v. British Columbia (Securities Commission), (2003) 189 B.C ...
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this intent, the Appellant may turn to indicia in accordance with the agreement and the provisions of the Civil Code that governed it. The Appellant ...
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, (i) any service provided pursuant to the terms and conditions of any agreement relating to payments of amounts for which a credit card voucher or ...
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who lacked the prior criminal behaviour needed for a valid PCL-Rscore. Overall agreement between the PCL-R and PCL:SV has been high.10 1941/1988 pp ...
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