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在内的单据,委托中国银行深圳分行东门支行进行跟单托收,付款条件是“见单即付(d/patsight)”。 跟单托收又称付款交单托收(Documents against payment,简称D/P)是国际贸易中的支付方式之一,它是指出口方在将货运单据交给银行,委托银行向进口方收款,同时指示银行只有在进口 ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-50830.html -了解详情
same, by indorsemwnt or delivery, and who is entitled to receive payment of the instrument. Person who is in possession of a document security drawn ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-38261.html -了解详情
same, by indorsemwnt or delivery, and who is entitled to receive payment of the instrument. Person who is in possession of a document security drawn ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-37429.html -了解详情
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