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and urges you to proceed with the refund of  1,200.00MYR+(Additional Payment for the western union charges. NOTE: Your total sum(1,200.00MYR+560. ...
,但是不能用的,要等到我签了agreement后,这个loan就可以用了。现在要我在付这个1200.00 for text payment。我不答应,我说昨天你们没有说到这一点,现在要我做这个不和理由,我现在可以怎样做,谢谢您...
我的配套是去年12月去的,我还在年尾的时候问了她多次还了payment吗?她都告诉我settle了,所以我就不再放在心上。。 还有,她尝试欺骗用假的payment voucher给那家旅行社,这当中我也不知情,一直到旅行社通知我时,第一时间我就说明我要付费给他们(12月的配套)。但是他们说要调查 ...
 card with the last four digits being6642is doing Online payment,payment amount:11760yuan.DynamicPIN:08f2g7;Dynamic verification code S/N:49[交通 ...
card with the last four digits being6642is doing Online payment,payment amount:11760yuan.DynamicPIN:08f2g7;Dynamic verification code S/N:49[交通 ...
我想问,如果老板在payment voucher 给员工签名后,自己加写了东西。。那么在法律上是不是生效的?时间大概要用几久作为法律检讨? 律师费用大概多少?...
that lottery ticket limited company offers, have the right service item , term of payment that change enjoy ,etc. at the same time, is it notify and ...
for a Developer 'B' Development in PJ but the develpoer did not honour any payment.'A' take the Developer to Court and the developer's defense is that ...
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