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Warrants: (Check which of the following warranties are to be included in the agreement) The SELLER covenants that he/she is the lawful owner of said ...
herein, Attorney shall not be entitled to any other compensation from Client for legal services related to this Agreement. 除本合同规定外,律师无权从客户处得到任何其他与本合同 ...
, insofar as they relate to work performed or money received under this agreement, shall be maintained for a period of three full years from the date ...
合同规定的受托方义务,或受让人未能达到制造方拟定的对新受托方的标准。 ??16.制造方的合同终止权(termination of agreement by manufacturer)???制造方可在任何时间由于任何原因要求终止合同,条件是必须于_________[天数]天前以书面形式通知受托方。如 ...
浅白语言统一现金客户协议书致:_________本人/吾等(请填写姓名/名称)_________兹要求阁下根据下列条款及条件为本人/吾等运作一个现金证券买卖户口(「户口」):1.户口1.1本人/吾等确认「开户资料表格」所载资料均属完整及正确。倘该等资料有任何变更,本人/吾等将会通知阁下。本人/吾 ...
. 91 .A managing director shall,subject to the terms of any agreement entered into in anyparticular,receive such remuneration,whether by way of salary ...
):任何一方都不能因为另一方放弃了合同赋予它的权利而放弃合同赋予自己的违约赔偿请求权和严格按合同履行的要求。17.合同条款(terms of agreement):合同双方履行合同条款表明双方愿意受合同条款的约束。合同本身就是一个完整的协商结果。一旦形成合同,以前双方所有谈判谅解、陈述即告失效。 ...
年____月____日 _________年____月____日 附件: CONSIGE AGREEMENT This Agreement is entered into between _________ Co. (hereinafter referred to as the Consignor) ...
使用甲方房屋事宜,订立本合同。Party A and B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract.一、物业地址Location of the premises ...
test failing for reasons imputable to the Contractor, and there being no mutual agreement to continue retesting, the results of the final test will be ...
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