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pursuant to Sections 9.2, 9.3 or 9.13 shall not be taken into account in computing Profits or Losses;(b) Any income of the Company that is exempt from ...
by the City to make deposits into the Developer Subaccount of the Project Cost Account as and when due;(c) Any failure by the City or the Developer to ...
, to a Member would cause or increase a negative balance in a Member's capital account as of the end of that fiscal year, only the amount of such loss ...
the loan, the Lender shall have rights to deduct the debt from the bank account of the Borrower at the Lender or empower the branches of the Lender to ...
the loan, the Lender shall have rights to deduct the debt from the bank account of the Borrower at the Lender or empower the branches of the Lender to ...
the access codes to authenticate me/us as the authorized user for the account.i/we shall be responsible for the confidentiality and use of the access ...
____日To:_________I/We_________requestthatyoutooperateacashsecuritiestradingaccount(the"Account")forme/usonthefollowingtermsandconditions:1.TheAccount( ...
calls upon the members in respect of any money unpaid on their Shares ( whether on account of the nominal value of the Shares or by way of pre 而- um ...
,includingspecialropes,hawsersandchainsrequiredbythecustomoftheportformooringtofortheCharterers''account.TheVesseltobefittedwithwinches,derricks, ...
合营公司直接向中国境外销售的占_________ %。 Those that will be sold directly outside of China by JOINT VENTURE account for_________%; 由合营公司与中国外贸公司订立的销售合同,委托其代销,或由中国外贸 ...
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