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which case it shall be considered real property.SECTION 3.2. FAILURE TO MAKE PAYMENT. In the event the City should fail to, or be unable to, make any ...
or otherwise,and save insofar as the Contract otherwise provides,for the transport,housing feeding and payment thereof. 34.1承包人必须自己安排雇用所有当地或其他地方的劳工,并 ...
民用工程承包合同书目录1.工程范围2.合同文件3.履约保证4.工程差价和完工时间5.转包和分包6.图纸7.一般责任8.完工9.工程保险10.人员和财产的损害11.第三方责任保险12.人员的意外事故或伤害13.对承包方未履行保险义务的救济14.应当遵守的法规和规章等15.其他承包方的加入16. ...
reason of any of the said special risks the con - tractor shall be entitled to payment for.(a)any permanent work and for any materials so destroyed or ...
Price for the number of shares of Common Stock specified in such form.(b) Payment of the Purchase Price may be made as follows (or by any combination ...
the issue of shares , differentiate between the holders as to the amount of calls to be paid and the times of payment . 十八、一旦股票发行,董事会便可按所催缴股款的数额和支付时间 ...
paid in full for AAA's use of BBBMaps through the TrueUp Date.3. Existing Payment Structure BBB.(a) Data Services. BBB and AAA agree that as of the ...
要求,合理支付费用,延长期监理费用由双方商定。 Article 11 The parties hereto agree that the payment shall be effected in RMB. 第十一条 双方同意用人民币支付报酬。 Article 12 Bonus Clause; ...
at the Lender or Lenders branch for the use of draw-down, repayment,payment of interests and fees. ARTICLE 6 DRAW-DOWN 1. The loan under this contract ...
the balance of the account of the Borrower is not enough for the payment of interest, the Lender shall have rights to collect a penalty being [***] of ...
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